Beef Week 2024

We’re at Beef Week 2024 and can’t wait to see you there.

Come and chat with us at our stand in the Tech Yards and Innovation Hub for an in-depth understanding of carbon farming and how it can help you, and chat about how our superior science and tech drive better results. If you are more interested in the practical application of a soil carbon farming project, join us at Coolum Pastoral to see and hear for yourself from those with first-hand experience and listen to a presentation from Zoe Maskell on how we implement a project. Hear Terry McCosker OAM talk about the actual outcomes and ways you can utilise ACCUs for your benefit. Chris McCosker will deliver a talk challenging conventional thinking on beef cattle and climate change, highlighting how Australian graziers improve beef production by implementing carbon solutions that boost productivity, increase profit and benefit the environment.

For more information visit our Beef 2024 page.

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